The cordova Comprehensive PLAN
The Comprehensive Plan will act as a policy guide and create a unifying vision for the City's future, laying the foundation for policy, infrastructure, and planning decisions for years to come.
We appreciate everyone who came out and shared their thoughts on the DRAFT Cordova Comprehensive Plan! Your input is invaluable in the process of ensuring that the Plan is an accurate reflection of the wants and needs of the city! Did you miss the meeting? No problem. The presentation provided at the meeting is now available for download and review - just click the button below to learn more about the Plan.
REVIEW THE KICKOFF PHASE PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT RESULTSPublic involvement outreach undertaken during the plan's Kickoff Phase included an online survey and an in-person open house. Along with the Existing Conditions & Trends Summary, the results of these public involvement activities will form the basis of the recommended goals and actions in the Comprehensive Plan. Click the button below or the image on the right to start reviewing it!
REVIEW THE EXISTING CONDITIONS & TRENDS SUMMARYAlong with the results from public involvement activities, this report will form the basis of the recommended goals and actions in the Comprehensive Plan. Click the button below or the image on the right to start reviewing it!